a New York public charity Reg. No. 47-01-34

Script Reviews


The script has garnered very strong reviewer comments from the prominent film industry platform The Black List. 

Overall Script Quality

  • The script is eloquently written.”
  • “The quality of the writing is excellent…”
  • “The quality of the writing is very high.”
  • “[writer’s] passion for the subject practically drips from the page.”
  • “The script has amazing characters and premise.”

Epic Nature

  • “A sweeping, historical epic in every sense of the word.” 
  • “…on the scale of Ben Hur and Kubrick’s Spartacus, but probably best compared to Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon.”
  • “The intricate look at the difficult birth of a nation, Aegis for Dreams is a feature of an epic not seen in decades.” 

“There is nothing more important in making movies than the screenplay.”  
                                                                            Richard Attenborough, Director (Gandhi)

Story Structure

  • “The ending was clever and poignant. It felt cohesive in terms of tone. It was a great closing to the film.”
  • “The tension in the final scenes between Hamilton and Washington is wonderful, and their story and relationship only became more fascinating as it slowly unfolded.”
  • “The drama and tensions that arise between [Washington and Hamilton] during the duress of the war, is well portrayed.“

Richness of Story

  • “The author’s credibility to tell a story set in this world/amongst these historical figures is unquestionable.“
  • “There are so many great, riveting pops of story throughout, that provide a wide range of insight…”
  • “Flashbacks [as to] Hamilton‘s childhood are intriguing and allow the audience to catch a glimpse of his difficult upbringing.“
  • “The inventive dioramas into these men’s wartime ‘inspirations’ are another clever touch, seen through Washington and Hamilton’s readings on Cato as they literally come alive.”

“To make a great film you need three things — the script, the script and the script.”                                                                                       Alfred Hitchcock

Characters and Relationships

  • “..not only the voices, but also the attitudes of the characters are organic to the world of the piece.”.
  • “The script perfectly captures the cheeky, brash, yet brilliant, tone of the real Alexander Hamilton.“
  • “The amount of information and rounded out characters that the script is able to display is impressive to say the least.”
  • “[The script contains] excellent scenes with either Washington or Hamilton (or both) that are impressive in their intimate and personal nature.”
  • “The writer does a superb job of taking these characters from simply being historical figures and transforming them into tangible human beings.”  
  • “The relationship between Hamilton and Eliza felt organic and moving. She was a strong female character that would stay with audiences after the film.”


  • “…incredibly well-researched.”
  •  “…an almost intricate amount of factual detail.”
  • The writer’s vast knowledge of the time, and its people is beyond obvious.”
  • “The dialogue reflects a great deal of knowledge of the subject on behalf of the writer.“


  • “The dialogue is overall very solid.”
  • “Overall, the dialogue is informative and strong.”
  • “There is an authentic period cadence to the dialogue.”
  • “The dialogue and diction is perfectly in tune with the time.” 
  • “The various relationships, feel authentic and realistic, and the events and conversations that transpire feel natural.”


Aegis For Dreams Foundation
159 Woodlawn Avenue
Saratoga Springs, New York 12866


(315) 542-9100 


Aegis for Dreams is a public charity established under New York law.  Our mission is to produce the historically accurate feature film Aegis for Dreams and to support soldier and youth charities.


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