a New York public charity Reg. No. 47-01-34



Predictive AI as a Risk Management Tool

AI is providing measurable benefits to virtually every industry.   The feature film industry is no exception. 

Film industry AI firms have effectively developed algorithms to predict with a high level of accuracy, based on the quality of the screenplay alone, how a film would perform and who it would appeal to.   

Hollywood studios have recognized AI as a valuable tool, and use it as a risk management tool to support decisions regarding which screenplays to turn into films.  

AI on Aegis for Dreams is Very Strong

The Foundation commissioned an AI analysis of the Aegis for Dreams screenplay by film industry firm ScriptBook, whose algorithm was developed from data drawn from thousands of made films.   

In a 2018 controlled test of 50 films actually green-lit and produced by a studio, ScriptBook predicted winners and losers with an 80% success rate.  Only 36% of those 50 made films were actually a financial success.  If this studio had utilized ScriptBook data for this grouping of films, it could have saved millions.  Read about this controlled test in detail HERE

ScriptBook’s technology was the subject of a  2018 article in Variety.  You can read it HERE



 ScriptBook’s AI analysis of Aegis for Dreams indicates very strong prospects:

Analysis of the Analysis

Story Quality

First, the strong critics and audience scores are wholly consistent with, and thereby support, the favorable comments made by Hollywood professionals.  When joined with our strong historian endorsements, this makes for a very compelling film project.   

Broad Audience Demographics

Second, and as an important as the story quality, are IA predictions on who might be attracted to this story.  It is quite noteworthy that that 20% of the projected audience will be under age 18 — the same percentage as those age 30-44.  The audience dispersion by age as a whole suggests a film with across-the-board appeal.  The 50/50 gender split is also highly favorable, as it the projected PG-13 rating.  Thus, the overarching message is that for an age, gender and rating perspective, this film excludes no one.  

Strong Box Office

Finally, the estimated US domestic box office (as of 2020) of $45.9 million reflects the strong prospect for wide viewership.  What this this revenue number means in 2023 and beyond is uncertain. However, it is still reflective of this story’s strong appeal with audiences.


Why This Matters

A key part of our mission is to ensure that we make a compelling, accurate high-quality film with a highly qualified director.  We are committed that this film to “hold up”, to stand the test of time.  It’s more than a mere preference. It is part of our mission. 

When our Founder donated perpetual feature film rights to the Foundation, he gave direction on the need to make Aegis for Dreams a high-quality production:

Scope of Project.  The Donor views the considerable conditions imposed upon the Foundation under [the license] as critical to realize the Donor’s vision that the Aegis Feature Film must be of a production quality to facilitate viewing by the American public on a widespread basis long into the future.”

Based on the numerous positive points of validation – including this AI analysis — it is our view that our film project is very strong and is capable of attracting an excellent, experienced production team and charitable contributions to adequately fund the film.


Aegis For Dreams Foundation
159 Woodlawn Avenue
Saratoga Springs, New York 12866


(315) 542-9100 


Aegis for Dreams is a public charity established under New York law.  Our mission is to produce the historically accurate feature film Aegis for Dreams and to support soldier and youth charities.


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